
Slide Show





Christina Cole “Defining Feminism”:

  • Background:
    • Based on the assumption that Western society is patriarchal, making women second-class citizens to men.
    • Feminist critics work to gain exposure for female writers and their works so that both may be appreciated.
  • Four Tenets of Feminist Theory:
    • Feminist theory is political: writings shape power and influence.
    • Sex and gender are different: sex is biological and gender is culturally constructed.
    • The canon must expand to include women writers: women must gain greater recognition for their work.
    • Stereotypes about women must be exposed: feminist critics look for misogyny (negative attitudes toward women) in works.
  • Approaches to Feminist Studies:
    • Studies of difference: critics look for differences in the ways in which men and women are treated in literature.
    • Studies of power: critics examine power relationships between men and women.
    • Studies of the female experience: critics examine the lives of female characters and authors.  
