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·         Applebaum, Robert.  Shakespeare Quarterly.  48.3 (1997): 251-272.

·         Brown, Judith C., and Robert C. Davis. Gender and Society in Renaissance Italy. New York: Longman, 1998.

·         Lynn, Steven. Texts and Contexts. New York: Longman, 1998.

·         McDonald, Russ. The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare. Bedford And St. Martin’s: 2001.

·         Shakespeare, William.  Romeo and Juliet. Ed. Rex Gibson.  Cambridge School Shakespeare.  Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

·         Shakespeare and Sexuality.  Ed. Catherine M. S. Alexander and Stanley Wells.  Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001.



·        http://www.allshakespeare.com/essays.php/  – A selection of Essays on Shakespeare and his works, including several on Romeo and Juliet.

·        http://houstonprogressive.org/j&r/ – An interesting modernized version of the play with a pro-life, feminist, devoutly Christian Juliet and an atheist Romeo.

·        http://eserver.org/feminism/ – Covers a lot of topics relevant to feminism and women’s studies today

·        http://www.cddc.vt.edu/feminism/enin.html – Site devoted to scholarly feminist studies.

·        http://the-tech.mit.edu/Shakespeare/romeo_juliet/ – The entire text of the play available online.
